Recently, a high school classmate of mine was admitted to the hospital for a 2 cm tumor in her right breast. Good thing is, the biopsy went well but I warned her that this is not the right time to rejoice and taking them for granted. She might be at risk for malignancy and that means she has to submit to annual breast examination and check up. Although fibroadenomas rarely become malignant she should be careful. Women read the tips below:
Wear a good fit bra
A well-fitted bra can prevent unwanted injury of the breast from activities of daily living. Athletic women should be cautioned on choosing the right bra for their sports. Loose bras cause the pulling of the supporting ligaments of the breast which then results to long term sagging. Girls you won't like that right? Your breasts may begin to droop and fall to the bottom of the cup. The breast tissue will role off the chest wall and under the arm, thus pulling on the neck. Headaches results, since the muscles being pulled in the shoulders go all the way to the head. Reduced circulation to the head can cause headaches and backaches, as the extra weight of the bust places more pressure on the back. A tight one can impede breathing since it compresses the chest wall much.
Use hormone replacements cautiously
Long-term hormonal replacement medications are said to cause abnormal growths not only in the breast but also in other organs of the reproductive system. Usually, it increases breast cancer risk.The risk of developing one of the less common lobular or tubular breast cancers increases twice as much under hormone replacement therapy as the risk of the common type of ductal carcinoma, which constitutes 40 to 75 percent of all malignant tumors of the breast—Dr. Wilhelm Braendle, Hamburg-Eppendorf University Hospitals.
Have a monthly breast self-examination
Breast self-exam is taught among the adolescents before they reach their teenage years. Make it sure it is performed right after menses. The recommended time is just after the end of the last period when the breasts are least likely to be swollen and tender. Older, menopausal women should do BSE once a month, perhaps on the first or last day of every month. Report to family physician if anything unusual is observed.
Avoid eating 'junk' foods
Foods with preservatives like processed foods may precipitate abnormal growths in the body. Eat less fat and grilled, charred food and eat more fresh preservative-free foods. The longer the shelf life the bigger the amount of preservatives are added in the food. Be a wise shopper and diner. Go organic!
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