July 1996, Philippine Southfield School grounds. Time for general cleaning for the upcoming Nutrition Month culmination day. We finally cleared the drainage from mineral water bottles, planted and trimmed the durantas around our classroom and dusted the jalousies, that's the last thing I remembered before it all started. I felt weak and hot. It must be out of exhaustion. I asked permission from the prefect to go home before dismissal. I arrived home at lunch time and went flat at bed. The next day, I was fine. Then I went hot then off the next morning. My temperature was like a switch, on and off. The fourth day, I grew rashes on my arms. I was rushed to the nearest hospital and blood work was pretty bad. A platelet below normal.

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is viral disease in the tropics from a vector, a mosquito of either Aedes aegypti or A. albopectus. A few days after the bite, the patient develops an 'on-and-off' of fever and joint pain also known as break-bone fever. The client must be rush to the nearest hospital when the fever subsides for IV fluids. At this time, platelet count drops and bleeding is inevitable. No cure is known for its treatment is palliative in nature. Just IV fluids, pain medication and a stand-by platelet transfusion to prevent hypovolemia and the dangers of it.
Today, with the spread of helpful information about and against Dengue, people discovered a remedy and it grows all throughout the Philippines. Euphorbia pilulifera also locally known as Tawa-Tawa. This is how you prepare the concoction:
  • Take 25 newly uprooted Tawa-Tawa plants.
  • Cut off the roots
  • Wash and clean
  • Fill pot with 7 glasses of clean water then boil
  • Slowly boil the Tawa-Tawa for 1 (one) minute
  • Strain out the Tawa-Tawa leaves and stems from the concoction then let it cool
  • Sip 1 to 1.5 glasses of Tawa-Tawa concoction every 1 hour for 24 hours
The concoction should be given as early as possible or right after the diagnosis. According to some preliminary research conducted in Davao, Tawa-Tawa has naturall anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that can cure even at stage 4 of the dreaded disease. For more piece of information about Tawa-Tawa click here


Jan said...

I'm not here to look up for herbal medicine or concoction of any kind. Although Tawa-Tawa rings a bell, sounds familiar to me. Well, I just dropped to say thanks for visiting my blog. I just wish the experience did not bring on an hemorrhagic episode of some kind. Just checking. Hehehe. Thanks, and Merry Christmas to you. Abot pa ba? :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Terima Kasih. Merry X'MAS too. =)